University/Schools Alliance
Executive Board Meeting
at UD Cooperative Extension
March 11, 2009 at 3:30 PM


Attending: Kristen Blanchard       SODAT Delaware
                    Cindy Genau                UD Cooperative Extension
                    Howard Isenberg         Open Door, Inc.
                    Erica Melman               OPEI, CSAP Prevention Fellow

Staff Attending:
                    Roberta Gealt               USA Project Director
                    Mary Perno                   USA Project Coordinator

February Minutes
-Reviewed; in the last paragraph, change to “ the site has been donated” and also put the date in as October 31, 2009 instead of late October or early November.

Grants-No word yet on the SPF-SIG, but the state did receive a “request for more information” which is usually a good sign that it is at least being considered.  This grant would provide for the approval of a statewide prevention plan, and each of the four community coalitions providing leadership for the statewide planning areas (the three counties and the city of Wilmington) would have to devise a coordinating plan for their area—USA would be responsible for New Castle County outside of Wilmington.
It would also provide funds to hire a community Organizer and issue a Request For Proposals to provide prevention services in accordance with the plan.  The community Organizer would have to be familiar with the area, able to help identify the needs of the community and mobilize the resources to address the needs.  This will be a full time position. If awarded, the grant may not start until October 1st.  The main focus for prevention activities will be on:

·         underage drinking and binge drinking

·         marijuana use

·         Prescription drug use across a life span

Events & Activities-The Policy Summit date is now proposed for September 15th.  We will be inviting Jack Claypoole, ONDCP and Fran Harding, CSAP.  Roberta talked to Jack and he suggested that Delaware could also benefit from training from ONDCP to be help us get more Drug Free Communities grants in the state.  This training would most likely take place during the summer.

Mary Perno & Kathy Ware conducted two On Applebee Pond puppet trainings in February at Newark HS and Delcastle HS.  Both were successful.

The Parent Chat, “Transition to College” went well.  The evaluations were mostly positive and had many good suggestions for our next chat.  We had about 35 parents attend this event at Newark High School.  The next time, we will need UD to talk more about actually getting ready for the academic part of entering college.  We should really start now for next year.


NEW date for the next USA meeting:  APRIL 15TH at 3:30 at Arcadia University.